Percy Pamph. 5 (viii) | Animadversions on Two Pamphlets lately publish'd by Mr. Collier : The one call'd, A Defence of the Absolution given to Sir William Parkins at the Place of Execution, April 3d. : The other, A Vindication thereof; occasion'd by a Paper entituled, A Declaration of the Sense of the Archbishops and Bishops, &c. : Shewing the Nature of the late Absolution, both as to Church and State : In a Letter to a Friend
Multi Language Main AuthorHody, Humphrey, 1659-1707.
Publication Year1696
Additional PersonsCollier, Jeremy, 1650-1726. Defence of the Absolution ...
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of PublishersLondon) : Printed for John Everingham (at the Star in Ludgate-Street, near the West End of St. Pauls, 1696.
Host NameTBC
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