Percy 171 (ii) | The Appeal of the Oratory to the First Ages of Christianity : Part 1. Containing, 1. The Epistle, the Plan, and Laws of the Conferences. 2. Four Discourses; the first Sermon on Action; the first Sermon at the opening of the Oratory; a Homily on the Liturgy; and a Homily on the Primitive Eucharist. 3. The Liturgy improv'd. 4. The Primitive Eucharist
Multi Language Main AuthorHenley, John, 1692-1756.
Publication Year1727
Additional PersonsPercy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of PublishersLondon : [s.n.], Printed in the Year of our Lord, 1727.
Host NameTBC
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