Percy 171 (iv) | A Guide to the Oratory : Or, An Historical Account of the New Sect of the Henleyarians : Containing, 1. the Birth, Education and Qualifications of the Founder, John Henley, M.A. Poet, Preachet [sic] and Orator. 11. Of his Acquiring the Title of Restorer of the Ancient Elocution, and his Founding the Oratory. 111. The Confession of Faith signed by Himself, and of his new Common-Prayer-Book. V1. A full Answer to his Antagonists ...
Multi Language Main AuthorHenley, John, 1692-1756.
Publication Year1727
Additional PersonsPercy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of Publishers[London] : Entred in the Stamp office, and printed dy [sic] W. Osborn within Aldgate, [?1726]
Host NameTBC
Encore URL