Percy Pamph. 24 (xxiii) | The Falsities and Forgeries of the Anonymous Author of a late Pamphlet, (supposed to be Printed at Oxford but in truth at London) 1644 : Intituled The Fallacies of Mr. William Prynne, discovered and confuted, in a short View of his Books intituled; The Soveraignty of Parliaments, the Opening of the great Seal &c : Wherein the Calumnies, and Forgeries of this unknowne Author in charging Mr. Prynne with false Quotations, Calumniating Falshoods, wresting of the Scriptures, points of Popery, grosse absurdityes, meere contradictions, hainous Treason
Multi Language Main AuthorPrynne, William, 1600-1669.
Publication Year1644
Additional PersonsPercy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of PublishersPrinted at London : for Michael Sparke, Senior, 1644.
Host NameTBC
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