Percy Pamph. 24 (xxii) | A Vindication of Psalme 105. 15. (Touch not mine Anoynted, and doe my Prophets no harme) from some false Glosses lately obtruded on it by Royallists : Proving that this Divine Inhibition was given to Kings, not Subiects; to restraine them from injuring and oppressing Gods Servants and their Subiects, who are Gods Anoynted, as well as Kings: And that it is more unlawfull for Kings to plunder and make warupon their Subiects, by way of Offence, then for Subiects to take up Armes against Kings, in such cases, by way of defence : With a Briefe exhor
Multi Language Main AuthorPrynne, William, 1600-1669.
Publication Year1644
Additional PersonsPercy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of PublishersPrinted at London : for Michael Sparkes, Senior, 1644.
Host NameTBC
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