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Percy Pamph. 24 (xxiv) | A Moderate Apology against a Pretended Calumny : In Answer to some Passages in the Preheminence of Parlement newly published by James Howell Esquire, one of his Majesties most honourable Privy Councell : Wherein a Reason is rendered, why The Popish Royall Favourite stiled him, No Friend to Parliaments, and a Malignant : And the copy of a Letter written by George Gage from Rome to King Iames, inserted, to manifest an Agency between him and Rome, to procure the Popes Dispensation for the Spanish Match



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Main Author

Prynne, William, 1600-1669.

Publication Year


Additional Persons

Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.


Additional Owner

Uniform Titles

Location of Publishers

Printed at London : for Michael Sparke, Senior, 1644.

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