Percy Pamph. 38 (iv) | The Danger of the Church-Establishment of England, from the Insolence of Protestant Dissenters : Wherein it appears from their late Writings, that they have attempted to subvert the Liturgy, the Canons, Articles, and the whole Discipline of the Church of England; to Ruin the Reputation of the Universities and the Episcopal Clergy, and to inflame the Minds of the People against the Establish'd Form of Church-Government in this Kingdom : With short Remarks upon every Chapter : In a Letter to Sir John Smith
Multi Language Main AuthorLewis, Thomas, 1689-1749?
Publication Year1718
Additional PersonsPercy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of PublishersLondon : Printed for Charles Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1718 ...
Host NameTBC
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