Percy Pamph. 41 (i) | Heir followis the testament and complaynt of our sovverane lordis papyngo. Kyng James the Fyft : Quhilk lyis sore woundit and may nocht dee, tyll every man have harde quhat he sayis. Quhare-fore gentyll redaris, haist zow that he wer out of his pane
Multi Language Main AuthorLindsay, David, active 1490-1555.
Publication Year1558
Additional PersonsPercy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of PublishersIn Paris : And Imprentit [By J. Petit ?, Rouen ?] at the command, and expenses of Maister Sammuel Jascuy ..., 1558.
Host NameTBC
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