Percy 394 | [Gesta Romanorum]; [text begins Aii, with decorated capital 'S':] Somtyme there dwelled in Rome a myghty Emperour whiche had a doughter a fayre creature & was named Atlenta whome dyverse & many knyghtes & other grete lordes desyred her to theyr wyf [and ends Ov, before colophon:] 'Therefore studye we to open the dore of our hertes with merytory werkes unto almyghty god/and than without dout we shall opteyne ever lastynge lyfe. Unto the whiche brynge us oure lorde Jhesu cryst whiche have mercy on us. Amen.
Multi Language Main Author Publication Year1502
Additional PersonsWynkyn de Worde, d. ca 1534.
Owner Additional Owner Uniform Titles Location of Publishers[London] : Thus endeth the boke of Gesta Romanorum. Enprynted in Fleetstreete in the Sygne of the Sonne. By Wynkyn de worde, [s.d.] [1502 ?]
Host NameTBC
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