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Percy Pamph. 91 (xii) | Some Seasonable and Serious Queries upon the late Act against Conventicles. Tending to discover how much it is against the express Word of God, the positive Law of the Nation, the Law & Light of Nature, and Principles of Prudence & Policy. And therefore adjudged by the Law of the Land to be Void and Null. Viz : Finch p.3. That no Act of Parliament, or Law repugnant to the Law of God, is of any force. 28 H. That no man of what estate ... hath power to dispence with Gods Law. Doct. & Scud. That against Scripture Law, Prescription, Statute, nor Cu



Multi Language

Main Author

Lockyer, Nicholas, 1611-1685.

Publication Year


Additional Persons

Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.


Additional Owner

Uniform Titles

Location of Publishers

[London] : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1670.

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