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Percy Pamph. 99 (x) | [Greenes neuer too late. Both parts : Sent to all youthfull gentlemen, to roote out the infectious follies, that ouer-reaching conceits foster in the spring time of their youth. Desciphering in a true English historie, those particular vanities, that with theyr frostie vapours nip the blossomes of euery braine, from atteining to his intended perfection. As pleasant as profitable, beeing a right pumice stone, apt to race out idlenes with delight, and follie with admonition. Robt. Greene, in artibus Magister].



Multi Language

Main Author

Greene, Robert, 1558-1592.

Publication Year


Additional Persons

Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811, former owner.


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Location of Publishers

[At London : Printed by Iames Roberts for Nicholas Ling, 1600]

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